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Identity Management & Player Authentication

🔹 Tools to use: Rave Social, BFG SDK

What is Identity Management?

Identity management is the process by which an app identifies the user. In casual games, this refers to the identity of the player who is playing a game, allowing Big Fish to track player activities, such as when someone launches the game, levels up or purchases an item. When a player logs into the game using an authentication method, they can engage in a secure and continuous gameplay experience across multiple devices.

Games published by Big Fish use Rave Social (Rave) to track and manage players. Rave assigns a unique identifier to every player, even if they have not logged in to the game via an authentication method. This identifier, called a Rave ID follows the user through the lifetime of that player's account. Initially, the Rave ID is connected to an anonymous user and no personalized data is attached to the Rave ID. Once a player logs in to the game using an authentication provider (such as Facebook, Google, or SIWA), Rave connects the player's Rave ID to the chosen login method.


Rave is integrated directly into the BFG SDK. Prior to configuring Rave, you must first integrate the BFG SDK into your game code.

Enabling Rave

Enable Rave in the BFG SDK config file, bfg_config.json:

"rave": {
"RaveSettings.General.ApplicationID" : "<your Rave application ID>"

You must enable Rave in the BFG SDK using ApplicationID. Without this setting, the BFG SDK will crash upon initialization. You can get the ApplicationID from your Big Fish producer.

Additional Steps for Android

Add Rave dependencies to your app's Gradle file

Rave requires a set of dependencies to run and compile correctly. Add the following dependencies to your app's Gradle file:

implementation ''
implementation ''

implementation project(':RaveSocial')
implementation project(':XMLScene')
implementation project(':RaveFacebookPlugin') // Required for Facebook authentication
implementation project(':RaveGooglePlugin') // Required for Google authentication
implementation project(':RaveUtils')
implementation 'com.birbit:android-priority-jobqueue:2.0.1'
Add Facebook SDK to your app's Gradle file

Rave includes support for Facebook, and requires the Facebook SDK to run correctly. Even though the Facebook SDK is integrated into the BFG SDK, you must add the Facebook SDK to your app's Gradle file.


To find the supported version(s) of the Facebook SDK, see 3rd Party Version Compatibility Charts. Replace the version 1.2.3 in the example below with the appropriate version for the BFG SDK you are using.

implementation ('')
Initialize Rave with RaveReadyListener

To ensure that Rave is initialized before the game uses it, use the bfgRave.RaveReadyListener and the callback result to trigger any operations that need to be performed after Rave is initialized. The following example shows how to use the bfgRave.RaveReadyListener to retrieve the Rave ID as early as possible, but only after Rave is initialized.

private String mRaveId = null; // Current Rave ID

// Listen for Rave to become ready for use. Do not use Rave until it is ready
bfgRave.sharedInstance().listenForRaveReady(new bfgRave.RaveReadyListener() {
public void onComplete(final String raveId) {
mRaveId = raveId;
// Do any other work that should be triggered when Rave is ready

Additional Steps for iOS

Update plist with Facebook values

If you are using Unity, we recommend that you use the BFG Build Processor to update the plist file automatically. Unity games can safely skip this step unless you prefer to manually configure your project without the BFG Build Processor.

This step is required for all games using the Native iOS SDK without Unity.

Add the following values to your game's plist file:


A list of URL schemes supportd by the app. You will need to add at least two values: the Facebook URL scheme and the Bundle ID.

The Facebook URL scheme is based on your FacebookAppID value, preceded by the letters "fb". For example, if your FacebookAppID is "1234", then your Facebook URL scheme is "fb1234".

The Bundle ID is a unique key created for your game. You can get the Bundle ID from your Big Fish producer.



A unique key given to every app created for Facebook. This value is required when using Facebook authentication. You can get the FacebookAppID from your Big Fish producer.



The user facing name of your app on Facebook. This value is required when using Facebook authentication.



A client token used to access app-level APIs that are embedded into your app. Your FacebookClientToken is found in your Meta app dashboard.



The URL schemes the app is able to launch from within your game. Each app is limited to 50 distinct query schemes and Facebook requires 4 of these schemes to function properly.



A boolean value to turn on or off Facebook's SKAdNetwork reporting. Games published by Big Fish use AppsFlyer, which requires that Facebook's SKAdNetwork reporting is turned off. You must disable this setting in your plist.


FacebookAutoLogAppEventsEnabled and FacebookAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled (Optional)

A boolean value to turn on or off Facebook reporting. By default, the BFG SDK programmatically disables the automatic reporting done by the Facebook SDK, in lieu of Big Fish's reporting services. Because of this, you may see warnings in your logs that Facebook reporting is disabled. These warnings can safely be ignored. However, if you want to clean up your log and remove these warnings, you can set these values to FALSE.


Configuring Rave Settings

Several configuration settings can be assigned in the BFG SDK config file, bfg_config.json. To add or modify these settings, add them to the Rave section:

"rave" : {
"RaveSettings.General.ApplicationID" : "<your Rave application ID>",
"RaveSettings.General.ServerURL" : "",
"RaveSettings.General.AutoCrossAppLogin": 1

The most commonly used configuration settings are:


The Rave application ID, provided by your Big Fish producer


The Rave Server URL, start with https://. The ServerURL is is set by default and should not be changed.


Allows the developer to control the amount of debug information output. This can be set to "error", "verbose", and "debug" for increasing levels of information.


Enables your app to log in to games based on other game logins on the device. This should always be set to true or 1 unless otherwise directed by your Big Fish producer.


Controls how often the friends cache is updated. The time is set in seconds.


The Rave Facebook Application ID. Required for Android

For a full list of available settings, see Available Settings (Android) ↗️ or Available Settings (iOS) ↗️ in Rave's documentation.

Overriding Rave's Default Settings

The BFG SDK automatically overrides Rave's configuration settings with default settings that are most commonly used for our games.


The following code sample details the overrides performed by the BFG SDK. Do not change these settings without first discussing the proposed changes with your Big Fish producer.

"rave" : {
"RaveSettings.General.ServerURL" : "",
"RaveSettings.General.ConfigUpdateInterval" : "3600",
"RaveSettings.General.ContactsUpdateInterval" : "21600",
"RaveSettings.Facebook.ApplicationId":"<Facebook application id>",
"RaveSettings.General.AllowForceDisconnect" : false,
"RaveSettings.General.AutoCrossAppLogin" : 1,
"RaveSettings.General.ThirdPartySource" : "bigfishgames",
"RaveSettings.General.AutoInstallConfigUpdates" : false,
"RaveSettings.General.LogLevel" : "Error"

Configuring the Login UI

Both the BFG SDK and the Rave SDK provides scene packs that contain all of the UI necessary to enable authentication within a game. The available scenes are:

  • Login
  • Account Info
  • Create Account

Using the BFG SDK scene packs

The following code demonstrates how to use the BFG SDK to display the Rave login scene:

public void raveSignin(View v) {

Using the Rave SDK scene packs

The following code demonstrates how to use the Rave SDK to display the login scene:

RaveLoginScene loginScene = new RaveLoginScene(activity);
loginScene.setListener(new BigFishSignUpListener() {
public void onSceneComplete(RaveCallbackResult result, BigFishSignUpData signUpData, RaveException exception) {
// Handle the RaveCallbackResult
switch (result) {
try {;
catch (Exception e) {
// Handle any exception that are thrown when attempting to show the loginScene

Customizing Scene Packs


The default scene pack packaged with the BFG SDK is configured with everything you need to create your game, and rarely requires any modifications. Do not customize the scene packs without approval from your Big Fish producer.

In the event the default scene pack does not fit your needs, you can customize it. Select your platform below to learn how:

  1. Navigate to the bfgLib-release.aar file.
  2. Unzip bfgLib-release.aar.
  • On Windows, simply change the extension to .zip and unzip the file normally.
  • On Mac, use an unarchiver to unzip the file.
  1. After unzipping the aar file, locate all the xml files in the new bfgLib-release/assets/resources/default directory. You can either replace the entire default folder or navigate inside it to replace an individual xml file.
  2. After replacing any files, run the following command to recreate the aar file with the modified bfgLib-release directory:
jar cvf bfgLib-release.aar -C bfgLib-release/
  1. In Xcode, navigate to the BigFishScenePack.bundle file.
  2. Right-click on BigFishScenePack.bundle and show its contents.
  3. Navigate to the image or fonts folder located in /assets/resources/default
  4. Replace any image or font files you want to customize.

Logging in with an Authentication Provider

The first time a Big Fish game is launched on a device, an anonymous Rave ID is generated. Once an anonymous player logs in via an authentication provider, Rave automatically attaaches the anonymous Rave ID to the authenticated account.

Big Fish currently supports the following authentication methods:

  • Sign Up, Sign In (SUSI): Sign in with your Big Fish account
  • Facebook: Log in with your Facebook account
  • Google: Log in with your Google account (Android only)
  • Sign In With Apple (SIWA): Log in with your Apple ID (iOS only)

To determine whether the current user is logged in (or "authenticated"), call bfgRave.isCurrentAuthenticated in the BFG SDK. If this method returns NO or FALSE, your user is a guest and has not logged into the game with an authentication provider.

Sign in with Facebook

INFO - iOS Only

For non-Unity iOS games, the Facebook SDK is automatically included as part of the BFG SDK. If you require any additional Facebook API calls in your game code, you likely do not need to import the Facebook SDK separately.

For Unity games, you may need to import the Facebook Unity package if there is a feature that is not provided by the BFG SDK. In this case, avoid importing any framework files, as these will conflict with the SDK included in the BFG SDK. Instead, select only the wrapper files (not the frameworks) containing the features you need.

When developing games, you can choose to enable Facebook Login which allows your players to authenticate using their Facebook username and password. Using Facebook authentication in your game requires additional setup:

Add Facebook permissions to your configuration

Add the necessary Facebook permissions to your Rave configuration in the BFG SDK config file, bfg_config.json. For games that use Facebook social features (such as friends), use the following permissions:

"rave": {
"RaveSettings.Facebook.ReadPermissions" : "public_profile,email,user_friends"

Games that do not use Facebook social features should use the minimum required permissions:

"rave": {
"RaveSettings.Facebook.ReadPermissions" : "public_profile,email"
(Optional) Directly log into an authentication provider

If you want to bypass the default login experience included with the BFG SDK, you can build a custom login experience using Rave's login APIs.

Using the loginWith method, you can directly invoke a login via Facebook:

RaveSocial.LoginWith (RaveConstants.CONNECT_PLUGIN_FACEBOOK, delegate(bool loggedIn, string error) {
// handle login response

You can also check whether Facebook is "ready" to be used, meaning that a player has connected their Facebook account to Rave, and that the token or local authentication for this social account was successful. To perform this check, use the checkReadinessOf method:

RaveSocial.CheckReadinessOf (RaveConstants.CONNECT_PLUGIN_FACEBOOK, delegate(bool ready,string error) {
// handle result

Use the connectTo callback method to establish a connection with Facebook. The following code sample connects to Facebook if it fails a readiness check:

RaveSocial.ConnectTo (RaveConstants.CONNECT_PLUGIN_FACEBOOK, delegate(bool loggedIn,string error) {
if (loggedIn) {
// handle successful connection
} else if (error != "") {
// handle error
} else {
// otherwise the user cancelled the operation

To disconnect from a Facebook account, use the disconnectFrom method:

RaveSocial.DisconnectFrom (RaveConstants.CONNECT_PLUGIN_FACEBOOK, delegate(bool loggedIn, string error) {
// handle logout response
Set Limited Login (iOS v14.5 and above)

Limited Login applies to iOS v14.5 and above. For devices running iOS v14.4 and lower, Classic Login mode can always be enabled.

Due to Apple's tracking and privacy regulations, Facebook allows two different types of logins for players on iOS devices:

  • A Classic Login allows your app the ability to access (with Facebook approval and user consent) certain Facebook data about a player. This data often improves the player's experience in your app and lets them use advanced features, such as engaging with friends or creating a gaming profile. Classic Login mode utilizes an oAuth 2.0 Access Token which supports Graph API queries.
  • A Limited Login shares only the essential data required for a player to log into Facebook. This data may include a player's name or profile pic. In addition, you can request additional permissions from the player. A list of permissions that are available in Limited Login mode can be found at Permissions in Limited Login ↗️ in Facebook's developer documentation. Limited Login mode utilizes a JSON Web Token, which does not support Graph API queries.

A sample implementation of Limited Login mode can be found in the Unity Sample App and the iOS Sample App of the BFG SDK. Locate sample code in the following files:

  • Unity:
    • SampleApp/Samples/Shared/FirstParty/Runtime/BFGSampleApp/Scripts/BFGUtilities/HandleAttNotification.cs
    • SampleApp/Samples/Shared/FirstParty/Runtime/BFGSampleApp/Scripts/BFGUtilities/BfgPolicyListener.cs
  • iOS:
    • examples/UIKitExample/Classes/BFGMainMenuViewController.m

Limited login mode is defined in the BFG SDK config file, bfg_config.json, as follows:

"rave": {
"RaveSettings.Facebook.LimitedLoginTracking" : true

Which Facebook login mode should my game use?

As a best practice, we recommend that you use Classic Login mode when you have enabled social features in your game. For all other games that do not use social features, we recommend using Limited Login mode. Keep in mind that even if you default to Classic Login, your game must still support Limited Login.

If a player opts out of App Tracking Transparency (ATT), your game must log them in using Limited Login. The following scenarios demonstrate how to check the ATT status and adjust the login mode as needed:

Scenario 1: When a player launches the game for the first time

When a player opens a game for the first time, you should assume that they have not yet made an ATT selection. In this case, your game should:

  • Display an ATT selection dialog
  • After the player dismisses the ATT dialog, determine whether the user has authorized ATT
  • If ATT is authorized, enable Classic Login mode
  • If ATT is denied, enable Limited Login mode

Scenario 2: When a player changes their tracking settings

When a player updates or changes their tracking setting, your game will not immediately detect the change. Therefore, at every game launch, your game should:

  • Check the ATT state
  • If ATT is authorized, enable Classic Login mode
  • If ATT is denied, enable Limited Login mode

To identify or change the login mode any time after your game is initialized, use the bfgRave enableFBClassicLoginMode method. In addition, you will need to change the Facebook permissions each time you switch login modes using the bfgRave setFacebookReadPermissions method. If the game switches to Limited Login, update your Facebook permissions to only "public_profile,email". If Classic Login mode is enabled, add any additional permissions you would like (gaming profile, location, friends list, etc).

BFG SDK helper methods

The BFG SDK provides some helper methods to identify and modify your current configuration of Rave and Facebook:

getCurrentFacebookPermissionsReturns current Facebook permissions.
facebookClassicLoginModeEnabledReturns YES if Classic Login is enabled.
getAuthSourceReturns NSString representing the authentication method used to authenticate.
enableFBClassicLoginModeToggles Classic Login mode.
setFacebookReadPermissionsSets Facebook Read permissions for your application dynamically at runtime. Call this method every time your game checks the ATT status or toggles between Classic and Limited Login modes. Games that support only Limited Login (i.e. games that do not use social features) never need to use this method.

Sign in with Google - Android Only


Google authentication is only available on Android devices with Google Play Services installed.

When developing games for Android, you can choose to let your players log in using their Google user name and password. Using Google authentication in your game requires additional setup:

Enable Google authentication

Enable Google authentication in the Rave section of the BFG SDK config file, bfg_config.json:

"rave": {
"RaveSettings.General.ApplicationID" : "<your Rave application ID>",
"BigFishSettings.Android.GoogleLoginEnabled": true,
"RaveSettings.Google.ClientID": "<your Google ClientID>"

You must include both BigFishSettings.Android.GoogleLoginEnabled and RaveSettings.Google.ClientID in your BFG SDK config file, bfg_config.json. Otherwise, you will not see Google as an login option, and Rave may fail to initialize. You can get the RaveSettings.Google.ClientID from your Big Fish producer.

Add the Rave Google plugin

Add the Rave Google plugin library to your project:

  1. In your Android project, create a new folder named "RaveGooglePlugin".
  2. Add the Rave library RaveGooglePlugin.aar to this new folder.
  3. In the same directory, create a new build.gradle file.
  4. Open the build.gradle file and add the following lines:
artifacts.add("default", file('RaveGooglePlugin.aar'))
  1. Next, open your app's build.gradle file.
  2. In the dependencies section, add the following lines:
implementation project(':RaveGooglePlugin')
  1. Next, open the settings.gradle file in your main project directory.
  2. Add an include for :RaveGooglePlugin. The following is an sample include statement in the BFG SDK Sample App.
include ':RaveFacebookPlugin', ':RaveGooglePlugin', ':RaveSocial', ':RaveUtils', ':XMLScene'

Sign in with Apple (SIWA) - iOS Only


You must use Xcode v11 or higher to enable SIWA in your game.

When developing games for iOS, players have the option to sign in using their Apple ID. This process, called Sign in with Apple (SIWA) is integrated directly into the Rave SDK.

In order to test SIWA, your game will need to include the SIWA entitlement. Big Fish will automatically add the SIWA entitlement into your game during our build and release process.


Before submitting a build to Big Fish, make sure that any entitlements that you add manually, including the SIWA entitlement, are removed.

When using SIWA in a build outside of a Big Fish environment (such as a local or test build), you need to add the SIWA entitlement file manually. To do so:

  1. Verify that AuthenticationServices.framework and Photos.framework are included in your game. If you use the BFG Build Processor in Unity, then these frameworks are automatically added for you.
  2. In Xcode, select your project, then select your target.
  3. Navigate to the Signing & Capabilities tab.
  4. Click on the + Capability button in the upper left corner.
  5. Either enter "Sign in With Apple" into the search bar, or scroll down until you find Sign In With Apple. Double-click on Sign in With Apple.

If you have multiple targets, repeat these steps for each one.

The following code sample shows an example entitlements file that enables SIWA:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

For Unity games, you can automate the configuration of SIWA (and other entitlements) by configuring the BFG Build Settings to use an Entitlements file.

Handling Player Accounts

When a player launches any Big Fish game, they are automatically assigned a Rave ID, which is attached to a player game account. This account follows the player through the life of their gaming experience, even as they play more Big Fish games across multiple devices such as iPad, iPhone, Android phones and tablets.

The player account cycles through multiple stages depending on the activity of the user:

  • Anonymous: A player who has not logged in using an authentication provider, nor customized their account with details such as a display name or email address.
  • Personalized: An anonymous player who has begun to build out their account with personal details such as a display name and/or email address.
  • Authenticated: A player who has logged in to a game with an authentication provider, such as Facebook, Google or SIWA.

When the user plays more Big Fish games across multiple devices, they continue to build out their profile by connecting additional social networks and pieces of personal information (such as a profile picture). These attributes are attached to their Rave ID and player account.

Tracking Player Save States

The Rave ID must be used by all games to track each player's save state. In some cases, there will be conflicts between the data associated with an anonymous ID and the data associated with an authenticated login, such as Facebook, Google or SIWA. These conflicts typically occur when a user logs in after playing a game on a different device, or when cross-app login is disabled.

If there is a conflict, the game must give the player an option to choose which save state they'd like to maintain. To do so, your game must display a conflict dialogue that provides the player with ample information on what each save contains. From there, the player will choose, and the game will restore the selected save point.

The BFG SDK provides a number of methods in the bfgRave class to track Rave IDs for player activity. For more information, see:

  • BFGSDK.bfgRave Class Reference (Unity)
  • bfgRave Class Reference (Native Android)
  • bfgRave Class Reference (Native iOS)

Merging Identities

Rave creates a new Rave ID for each anonymous (or "guest") player session. Once an anonymous player logs in via an authentication provider (such as Facebook, Google or SIWA), the Rave ID is merged into the authenticated account. The player's Rave ID is used to refer to the user both in the game code, as well as in the data collected from and about the user.

There will be times when a user with an anonymous Rave ID logs in to an account that already has a Rave ID associated with it. Such cases include:

  • A player signs in to a game on a new device (at game launch, each device will give the player a new Rave ID before they log in).
  • A player opens two different games on their device, and the games do not have cross-app login enabled. Each game will assign the player a new Rave ID.
  • A player signs out of a game and logs back in on the same device. Each log in will assign the player a new Rave ID.

In these cases, once a player logs in to the game, Rave will add the current anonymous Rave ID to a list of merged IDs. A single player's account will include a list of all anonymous Rave IDs that have been merged with it. To obtain a list of all merged IDs associated with a player's account, use the RaveUsersManager.fetchIdentities method of the Rave API.


Once a Rave ID has been merged with a player's account, the Rave ID can no longer be used as an account by itself. Any attempt to treat a merged ID as an account or request data about a merged ID will result in an error.

Handling Cross-App Login

A cross-app login occurs when a player logs in to one game published by Big Fish and then launches another game. Once a player logs in to one game, Rave will automatically log the player into all other Big Fish games on the device. In these cases, the current Rave ID and the last known Rave ID will be the same on launch.


Cross-app login is enabled by default. You can disable cross-app login in the Rave section of the BFG SDK config file, bfg_config.json. Do not change this setting unless instructed to by your Big Fish producer.

"rave": {
"RaveSettings.General.AutoCrossAppLogin" : "false"

Using App Data Keys (ADKs)

There are scenarios where the Rave ID between games and/or logins will not match. For example:

  • A player is logged into both "Game A" and "Game B". When the user logs out of "Game A," they want to remain logged in to "Game B".
  • The player then logs back in to "Game A" with a different login. They remain logged in to "Game B" under the original login.
  • The player then installs and clicks to log in to "Game C". Rave will default to using the login method for "Game A" since it was the last used login method.

In the above scenario, you may have multiple Rave IDs registered on the same device. When a merge between two accounts that have active sessions occurs, you can use App Data Keys (ADKs) to resolve the conflict. ADKs provide an easy mechanism to resolve which key should be used to continue by giving your application a list of the possible index candidates.

In the above example, the Rave IDs for a single player no longer match, and you must resolve it in your game code. Use ADKs to:

  • Check both Rave IDs for save data.
  • If only one ID has save data, associate the save data with the new Rave ID.
  • If both IDs have save data, display a conflict window that provides the user with adequate information to choose their preferred save state.

Rave ID changes can also occur due to a player logging in with an authentication method already associated with another ID. This case must be handled the same way as cross app login. Both the anonymous and authenticated IDs must be checked for data, and a conflict window must be displayed if necessary.

The final time an ID change occurs is when a player logs out of an authenticated account, the listener will report a log out. In this case, the player must be taken to the start of the game with no data associated with the new ID.

Receiving Rave Notifications

The BFG SDK includes the ability to receive and track events that occur in Rave. The process to set up notifications depends on which BFG SDK you are using. Select your SDK below for more information:

Unity SDK

To listen for Rave notifications, you first need to register to observe any of the Rave notifications defined in bfgCommon.cs:

private void Start()
NotificationCenter.Instance.AddObserver(rave_callback, bfgCommon.BFG_RAVE_READY);
NotificationCenter.Instance.AddObserver(rave_callback, bfgCommon.BFG_RAVE_PROFILE_FAILED_WITH_ERROR);
NotificationCenter.Instance.AddObserver(rave_callback, bfgCommon.BFG_RAVE_PROFILE_SUCCEEDED);
NotificationCenter.Instance.AddObserver(rave_callback, bfgCommon.BFG_RAVE_PROFILE_CANCELLED);
NotificationCenter.Instance.AddObserver(rave_callback, bfgCommon.BFG_RAVE_SIGN_IN_COPPA_TRUE);
NotificationCenter.Instance.AddObserver(rave_callback, bfgCommon.BFG_RAVE_SIGN_IN_COPPA_FALSE);
NotificationCenter.Instance.AddObserver(rave_callback, bfgCommon.BFG_RAVE_SIGN_IN_CANCELLED);
NotificationCenter.Instance.AddObserver(rave_callback, bfgCommon.BFG_RAVE_SIGN_IN_SUCCEEDED);
NotificationCenter.Instance.AddObserver(rave_callback, bfgCommon.BFG_RAVE_SIGN_IN_FAILED_WITH_ERROR);
NotificationCenter.Instance.AddObserver(rave_callback, bfgCommon.BFG_RAVE_USER_DID_LOGIN);
NotificationCenter.Instance.AddObserver(rave_callback, bfgCommon.BFG_RAVE_USER_DID_LOGOUT);
NotificationCenter.Instance.AddObserver(rave_callback, bfgCommon.BFG_RAVE_USER_LOGIN_ERROR);
NotificationCenter.Instance.AddObserver(rave_callback, bfgCommon.BFG_RAVE_CHANGE_DISPLAY_NAME_DID_SUCCEED);
NotificationCenter.Instance.AddObserver(rave_callback, bfgCommon.BFG_RAVE_CHANGE_DISPLAY_NAME_DID_FAIL_WITH_ERROR);

// Triggered when the notification is received
public void rave_callback(string notification)
Debug.Log ("rave_callback: notification=" + notification);

If you need unique callbacks per notification type, you can define them as follows:

private void Start()
NotificationCenter.Instance.AddObserver(RaveUserDidLogin, bfgCommon.BFG_RAVE_USER_DID_LOGIN);

private void RaveUserDidLogin(string notification)
Debug.Log("BFG_RAVE_USER_DID_LOGIN notification received: notification payload= " + notification);

(iOS Only) Next, you need to set the delegate to receive callbacks:

  1. Open the imported file, com.bfg.sdk/Runtime/Plugins/iOS/
  2. In, add the following code to the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method before initializing the BFG SDK:
extern "C"
void BfgRaveDelegateWrapper__setRaveDelegate();
void BfgRaveDelegateWrapper__setRaveReadyListener();
// Add this line if you registered the external callback for login state changes
void BfgRaveDelegateWrapper__setupLoginStatusWithExternalCallback();
// Add this line if your game supports Rave ADK
void BfgRaveDelegateWrapper__setRaveAppDataKeyDelegate
-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication*) application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary*) options
// Add this line if you registered the external callback for login state changes
// Add this line if your game supports Rave ADK
// Initialize the Big Fish SDK here
return YES;
Native Android SDK

For your game to receive notifications about Rave status changes or error events, you need to define a class that implements the bfgRaveDelegate. The bfgRaveDelegate provides an interface for implementing numerous Rave SDK callback methods. The BFG SDK has basic handling for all of these events, but you need to add custom handling for these scenarios in your game code.

import com.bigfishgames.bfglib.bfgreporting.bfgRave;
private class RaveDelegate implements bfgRave.bfgRaveDelegate {
public void bfgRaveUserLoginError(Exception e) {\}
public void bfgRaveSignInCOPPAResult(boolean b) {\}
public void bfgRaveSignInCancelled() {}
public void bfgRaveSignInSucceeded() {}
public void bfgRaveUserDidLogin(bfgRave.LoginDetails details) {}
public void bfgRaveUserDidLogout() {}
public void bfgRaveProfileFailedWithError(Exception e) {}
public void bfgRaveProfileSucceeded() {}
public void bfgRaveProfileCanceled() {}
public void bfgRaveChangeDisplayNameDidSucceed() {}
public void bfgRaveChangeDisplayNameDidFailWithError(Exception e) {}
public void bfgRaveSignInFailedWithError(Exception e) {}

The BFG SDK automatically receives login status change events from the Rave SDK and will call your overridden bfgRaveDelegate methods:

  • bfgRaveUserLoginError
  • bfgRaveUserDidLogin
  • bfgRaveUserDidLogout

If you also want to set an external listener, use the bfgRave.setupLoginStatusCallbackWithExternalCallback(yourCallback) method. This will pass the RaveLoginStatus object and the RaveException to your external callback method every time the onLoginStatusChanged method is triggered.

Be aware that the external listener will be called AFTER your bfgRaveDelegate override is called.

Native iOS SDK

To receive notifications, you need to set the bfgRave delegates before Rave is initialized. To do so, call bfgRave [listenForRaveReady:] and use the callback to set the necessary bfgRave delegates:

[bfgRave listenForRaveReady:^(NSString * _Nullable raveId, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (!error)
[bfgRave setDelegate:self];

From there, you can set up your notifications:

#pragma mark - bfgRaveDelegate

- (void)bfgRaveProfileSucceeded
// Enter code for each notification. Example:
// BFGUIKitExampleLog(@"Rave profile updated successfully.");
// [self updateCurrentRaveID];
// self.outputTextView.text = @"Rave profile updated successfully.";

- (void)bfgRaveProfileCancelled { }
- (void)bfgRaveProfileFailedWithError:(NSError *)error { }
- (void)bfgRaveSignInSucceeded { }
- (void)bfgRaveSignInCOPPAResult:(BOOL)passedCOPPA { }
- (void)bfgRaveSignInCancelled { }
- (void)bfgRaveSignInFailedWithError:(NSError *)error { }
- (void)bfgRaveUserDidLogin { }
- (void)bfgRaveUserDidLogout { }
- (void)bfgRaveUserLoginError:(NSError *)loginError { }
- (void)bfgRaveChangeDisplayNameDidSucceed { }
- (void)bfgRaveChangeDisplayNameDidFailWithError:(NSError *)error { }

Getting COPPA Compliance Status

You can get the status of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA) compliance through the Rave SDK. To do so, either:

  1. Listen for the BFG_RAVE_SIGN_IN_COPPA_TRUE and BFG_RAVE_SIGN_IN_COPPA_FALSE notifications. This Rave authentication notification is sent whenever a login event occurs; and/or
  2. Implement the delegate call for bfgRaveSignInCOPPAResult in the BFG SDK. If passedCOPPA is NO, then the user is under the age of 13.