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Ad Delivery Services

🔹 Tools to use: ironSource

What is Ad Delivery?

Ad Delivery is the process of delivering ads to users via a digital ad platform. In casual games, this process defines what ads show up in your game; furthermore, your ad delivery service will determine when, where, and how the ads will appear.

Games published by Big Fish use ironSource to implement ad delivery services using several ad networks (Facebook, TapJoy, UnityAds, Vungle, etc.), all housed within the framework of one single 3rd party SDK. It handles all of the logic needed to serve the most effective ads to the player automatically. The type of ads that ironSource supports include rewarded videos, interstitials, and banners.


Because ironSource is not included in the BFG SDK, you need to integrate it separately into your game code.

Integrating ironSource

To integrate ironSource into your game, follow the instructions on ironSource’s documentation:

Verifying ironSource

ironSource provides an Integration Helper, which tests compatibility and verifies that you’ve successfully integrated the SDK and adapters.

For more information, see ironSource’s documentation:

In addition, we recommend that you verify GDPR protocols for your ironSource dialog. These can be viewed in your Console output logs. All of Big Fish’s test passes should reflect the results found in the output logs.

ironSource Versioning

Each of the following has its unique version number:

  • ironSource SDK
  • Ad Network SDK
  • Ad Network’s Mediation Adapter for iOS, Android, and Unity (ironSource wraps the Ad Network’s SDK into an adapter which is identified by a unique version number assigned by ironSource)

To successfully use ironSource and its mediation networks, you must ensure that the versions of all components are compatible with one another.

For more information, see ironSource’s documentation:

User Identification in ironSource

To identify the players of your game, ensure that you set the UserID parameter in ironSource. The UserID is a unique identifier that will differentiate between your different players, and ironSource uses it to know which user to reward upon successful ad completion through server-to-server callbacks.

For more information, see ironSource’s documentation: