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Building with the Unity Jenkins Pipeline

The Unity Jenkins Pipeline (UJP) is a collection of tools and services built to enhance the your development experience. With proper configuration, your development team can leverage the offerings of UJP to:

  • Improve build time
  • Automate testing
  • Simplify quality assurance (QA) processes
  • Quickly deliver builds to the Google Play Store and/or Apple App Store

If you are interested in using the UJP, please contact your Big Fish producer to start the UPJ onboarding process. Big Fish Games will meet with you to discuss your needs, begin the internal backend setup, and grant your team access to the appropriate shared, managed resources.

Phases of the UJP

The UJP is broken down into four phases:

  • The Build phase kicks off new builds of your game in response to specified triggers
  • In the Planning phase, the game project and build settings are cloned
  • In the Execution phase, your project is built, signed, and tested
  • In the Reporting phase, you will receive a summary of the build and relevant test results

Build Phase

During the Build phase, the UJP is initialized through triggers from any of the following sources:

  • Webhooks: Sends an HTTP request to one of the BFG endpoints. A build is triggered when an HTTP request is received. Contact your Big Fish producer to obtain an API key for this trigger.
  • Scheduled Jobs: Triggers a build of the game on a fixed schedule, from once a day or a few times a week depending on the team's needs.
  • Source Control Management (SCM) Events: Triggers a build when changes are made to the game's GitHub repository. Changes can be tracked through webhook integrations on pull requests or through SCM polling that scans the repository for changes on specific branches.

Planning Phase

In the Planning phase, the UJP begins by cloning the game project from the repository. When it detects a build trigger, it will collect the build settings from three different sources:

  • Basic information of the game, such as the name, commit to build, type of build, etc.
  • The internal game systems and data owned and maintained by Big Fish
  • The configuration file maintained by the game team that contains information on how the game is built

With the above sources, the UJP can determine what CLI invocation is necessary to build your Unity projects along with the build steps needed, such as an Xcode or Gradle build. UJP can also determine if the game should be built using your production or testing backend, instrumented for test automation and sent to BitBar, and if the game should be published to a test utility such as AppCenter, or a first-party system such as TestFlight.

Execution Phase

The Execution phase builds, signs, tests and releases your game files. In this process, the UJP performs the following steps:

  • Builds and signs the iOS distribution
  • Builds and signs the Android distribution
  • Archives the build artifacts in a S3-backed repository
  • Releases to a specified user group in AppCenter
  • Performs static code analysis with SonarQube
  • Tests metadata for production builds
  • Does a secondary build for test automation with AltTester and BitBar
  • Uploads assets to Content Delivery Network (CDN). Only Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is supported

Reporting Phase

The Reporting phase creates a summary of the entire UJP process to the game's dedicated Slack channel in the Big Fish Games workspace. This summary is also added to the pull requests within the game's repository, and uploaded to Big Fish's archive which is kept for troubleshooting and triage purposes.

Getting Started with the UJP

To use the UJP, ensure you have the following game details available:

  • App ID or Bundle Identifier for the game, for each platform supported
  • Display name of the game, which is the name that shows up on devices after installation
  • The Unity project, stored in a Git repository, the C# methods used to build the project, and the directory where artifacts and exported projects are stored
  • Information on the CDN distribution of Unity-built assets, including their location within the project and the directory structure of the uploaded asset bundle
    • Note: Currently, the only CDN supported by Big Fish is GCP. Contact your Big Fish producer if you require the use of any other CDN.
  • Unique Device Identifier (UDID) for any physical iOS devices owned by developers or testers to to test the game

Source Control Access

The UJP requires access to the game project's repository. To provide access, create an SSH key that can be used to clone the game's project in the UJP.

If the game uses GitHub, Big Fish Games recommends using Deploy Keys ↗️.

Game Project Setup

The UJP supports four build configurations: Dev, Test, Stage, and Prod. Benefits of using multiple build configurations include:

  • Game versioning to test against different backend environments
  • Enabling cheats for testing game features
  • Embedding debugging tools for live test results

To use the build features of the UJP, the game must expose a public method to accept parameters from command line or environment variables. This allows the UJP to compile and sign the builds. Use Unity's batchmode directive to accomplish this.

The UJP requires different build parameters for Android and iOS platforms. When Unity builds the game for iOS, it exports an Xcode project that must be built and signed in Xcode. You will need to know the relative path to that project when creating the configuration file.

For Android, you can produce an app for game in one of two ways: either via a fully built .aab file, or through an exported Gradle or Android Studio project that is built separately.

The following table lists the available build parameters:

stringREPOThe Git repository containing the Unity projectRequired
stringBRANCHThe branch of the above Git repository to checkoutRequired
boolDEVBuild using DEV configurationOne of these is required
boolQABuild using QA configuration
boolSTAGEBuild using STAGE configuration
boolPRODBuild using PROD configuration
boolAPPLEBuild for Apple App StoreOne of these is required
boolGOOGLEBuild for Google Play Store
boolENTERPRISE(Apple only) Sign Using the Enterprise CertificateOptionalAPPLE = true
boolAPPLESTORE(PROD + APPLE only) Upload to Apple App StoreOptionalAPPLE = true
boolGOOGLESTORE(PROD + GOOGLE only) Upload to Google Play StoreOptionalAPPLE = true
boolALTTESTERInstrument the binary for use with AltTesterOptional
boolrunAndroidTests(ALTTESTER only) Run BitBar tests against AltTester binary - AndroidOptionalGOOGLE = true
boolrunIOSTests(ALTTESTER only) Run BitBar tests against AltTester binary - iOSOptionalAPPLE = true
boolSFVT(PROD only) Check app metadata with Settings File Verification ToolOptional (Required for PROD)PROD = true
boolSONARQUBERun SonarQube scan before buildingOptional
boolCNDUPLOADUpload content to the GCP BucketOptional

Configuration File Setup

The UJP requires a configuration file that contains information on how the game is built. This file must be named jenkins.json.

To setup the jenkins.json configuration file:

  1. Navigate to the base directory of the game's repository.
  2. Create a folder named ci, then open the newly created folder.
  3. Create a .json file named jenkins.json.
  4. Copy the following code into the file:
"about": "This is the configuration file for BFG Cloud Jenkins",
"appDisplayName" : "",
"buildOutputDirAmazon" : "",
"buildOutputDirApple" : "",
"buildOutputDirGoogle" : "",
"bundleIdAmazon" : "",
"bundleIdApple" : "",
"bundleIdGoogle" : "",
"customAppManifests" : [
"filePath": "",
"contents": {}
"customArtifacts": [
"customEnv": {},
"gcpFrom": {
"dev" : "",
"qa" : "",
"stage" : "",
"prod" : ""
"unityProjectCustomPath": "",
"unityAmazonExecuteMethod" : [""],
"unityAppleExecuteMethod" : [""],
"unityGoogleExecuteMethod" : [""],
"unityCustomParams" : "",
"unityParamSets" : {
"dev" : "",
"qa": "",
"stage": "",
"prod" : ""
"unityBuildUsingGradle" : ""

The following table describes each of the values in the jenkins.json configuration file. Note that all paths are relative to the root of the git repository.

aboutStringA basic description of the configuration fileOptional
appDisplayNameStringThe name of the App, displayed in the OS after installationRequired
buildOutputDirAmazonStringPath to the Unity output when building Amazon FireOS appsRequired if building for FireOS
buildOutputDirAppleStringRelative path to the exported Xcode project produced by the Unity buildRequired
buildOutputDirGoogleStringPath to the Unity output when building Google Android appsRequired
bundleIdAmazonStringBundle Identifier / App Identifier for FireOS builds of the gameRequired if building for FireOS
bundleIdAppleStringBundle Identifier / App Identifier for iOS builds of the gameRequired
bundleIdGoogleStringBundle Identifier / App Identifier for Android builds of the gameRequired
customAppManifestsArrayAn array of JSON objects, containing filePath and contents, which directs the Jenkins pipeline to create JSON files in the Unity projectOptional
customArtifactsArrayA string array of paths (and/or blobs) to be archived alongside the binaries. A trailing / indicates a dir to be zipped before the archive (any/all that match the pattern).Optional
customEnvListJSON objectOptional
gcpFromArrayThe folder to upload to GCSOptional
gradleOutDirArrayThe build output directories of GradleRequired if using Gradle
unityAmazonExecuteMethodArrayArray of methods to be executed by Unity during Amazon FireOS buildsRequired if building for FireOS
unityAppleExecuteMethodArrayArray of methods to be executed by Unity during Apple iOS buildsRequired
unityGoogleExecuteMethodArrayArray of methods to be executed by Unity during Google Android buildsRequired
unityBuildUsingGradleBooleanSet to "true" if a separate Gradle process must be run after the Unity build completes (you are exporting a project to build)Required
unityCustomParamsBooleanSet to "true" if the Unity batchmode commands require custom parametersRequired
unityParamSetsListList of custom parameters to be used in Unity batchmode commands, sorted by build configurationOptional
unityProjectCustomPathStringIf the Unity project is embedded in a subdirectory of the Git repository, the relative path should be listed hereOptional

Test Automation

Big Fish Games offers test automation with AltTester and BitBar. For more information on the setup of AltTester with UJP, see Onboarding Test Automation.


When you are ready to distribute your game to the app store(s), reach out to your Big Fish producer to kick off the process. From there, the Big Fish release management team will configure the app store listings for both Android and iOS, as well as any iOS provisioning profiles and authorized iOS devices.

When the appropriate parameters are passed through the job trigger, the UJP will automatically upload the game to the Google Play Store Internal Test Track (Android) and/or App Store Connect's TestFlight (iOS).


Big Fish Games does not support automated distribution to Amazon's app store.

Custom Build Settings

Games often use custom build settings to control build tooling that includes:

  • String Parsing and Pseudo-Markup
  • Custom App Manifests
  • Custom Environments
  • Parameter Sets

The UJP can incorporate these custom build settings into your game build(s).

String Parsing and Pseudo-Markup

The UJP is capable of reading values and replacing strings with build-time data. This is particularly helpful during testing and triage. When the strings are found in the game configuration file, the UJP will replace them as shown in the table below:

!target!Android or iOS, depending on which is being built at the time.
!git_sha!A 6-digit hash (short-form) representing the Git commit being cloned and built.
!build_number!The current Jenkins build number. This increases every time Unity Jenkins Pipeline is run.

If your team requires additional information that is only available at the time of build of the game, contact the Big Fish build automation team.

Custom App Manifests

A Unity project often requires that certain .json files exist before the game can be built due to version information or dependency manifests. If a file cannot be checked into version control alongside the project, or if it contains data that must be updated at the time of build, the UJP can create the file before building.

For the UJP to create the file, the customAppManifests block must be populated in the ci/jenkins.json configuration file. Below is an example that tells the pipeline to write the current Git SHA and Jenkins build number to the manifest.json.

"customAppManifests" : [
"filePath": "manifest.json",
"contents": { "commit" : "!git_sha!", "build_number" : "!build_number!", "baz" : "value" }

Custom Environments

Sometimes the Unity build tools for your game are affected by environment variables. If your game requires specific environment variables to produce correct results, you can provide the UJP with the necessary variables required.

To provide Unity Jenkins Pipeline with the proper environment variables:

  1. Navigate to the ci folder and open the jenkins.json file.
  2. Expand the customEnv object.
  3. Populate the object with arrays associated with the available build configurations.

In the example below, all environments have RELEASE_BUILD explicitly set to false, except when building against the PROD configuration.

"customEnv" : {
"DEV": {
"QA": {
"STAGE": {
"PROD": {

Parameter Sets

When the game's build parameters are controlled by CLI options, custom sets of parameters can be set. To set up a custom set of parameters:

  1. Navigate to the ci folder and open the jenkins.json file.
  2. Set the unityCustomParams to "true".
  3. Create a new object that associates build configurations (Dev, QA, Stage, or Prod) with the set of custom parameters required.

In the example below, the same build method is supplemented with -target, -buildType, and -shorthash arguments that are different for each environment.

"unityCustomParams" : "true",
"unityParamSets" : {
"dev" : "-target !target! -buildType development -shorthash !git_sha! -devOnlyOption true",
"prod" : "-target !target! -buildType prodution -shorthash !git_sha! -prodOnlyOption true"