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bfgDeepLinkListener Protocol

This provides games with a callback for receiving deep link information. The listener needs to be set before initializing the BFG SDK to insure deep links aren't lost on app launch. Deep links from all BFG SDK supported providers and registered URI schemes will trigger the listener. For more information on deep linking see the deep linking documentation: For more information on deep linking see the Deep Linking documentation. More...#import <bfgGameReporting.h>

Instance Methods

(void) - onDeepLinkReceived:conversionData:error:

Detailed Description

This provides games with a callback for receiving deep link information. The listener needs to be set before initializing the BFG SDK to insure deep links aren't lost on app launch. Deep links from all BFG SDK supported providers and registered URI schemes will trigger the listener. For more information on deep linking see the deep linking documentation: For more information on deep linking see the Deep Linking documentation.

Method Documentation

◆ onDeepLinkReceived:conversionData:error:

- (void) onDeepLinkReceived: (NSString *_Nullable) deepLinkString
conversionData:(NSDictionary *_Nullable) conversionData
error:(NSError *_Nullable) error 
Called when an attempt to receive a deep link completes. After the callback is received, the deepLinkString needs to be parsed in order to retrieve the information that is relevant to the game, however, if the deep link is coming from a Facebook campaign the deepLinkString will be nil and further inspection of the conversionData dictionary becomes necessary.For implementation details see Implementing Deep Linking.
deepLinkStringStringified deep link URL. For Facebook deep links this will be nil, and the conversionData dictionary needs to be inspected.
conversionDataDictionary containing all information associated with the deep link.
errorError retrieving deep link. May be nil if there simply is no deep link.