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bfgreporting.bfgGameReporting Class

Required game logging APIs to report all game events. More...

Public Member Functions

Map< Long, String > getCustomData ()
 Get custom data (provided using setCustomData) More...
String getLastLevelPlayed ()
 Fetch the last level played by the user. More...
Float getPlayerSpend ()
 Fetch the player spent value. More...
boolean logCustomEvent (@NonNull final String name, @NonNull final Hashtable< String, Object > data)
 Log a custom event to Big Fish Mobile Telemetry Services. More...
boolean logCustomEvent (@NonNull final String name, @Nullable final Integer value, @Nullable final Integer level, @NonNull final String details1, @Nullable final String details2, @Nullable final String details3, @NonNull final Hashtable< String, Object > data)
 Log a custom event to Big Fish Mobile Telemetry Services. More...
void logCustomPlacement (@NonNull final String placementName)
 logCustomPlacement More...
void logLevelFinished (@Nullable final String levelID)
void logLevelStart (@Nullable final String levelID)
void logRewardedVideoSeenWithProvider (@NonNull final String videoProvider)
 Log rewarded video event, facilitates logging rewarded video when video location parameter is not applicable. More...
void logRewardedVideoSeenWithProvider (@NonNull final String videoProvider, @Nullable final String videoLocation)
 Log rewarded video event. More...
void setCustomData (@Nullable final Map< Long, String > customData)
 Add custom data fields to the next Zendesk request. More...
void setDeepLinkListener (bfgDeepLinkListener deepLinkListener)
 Setter method for deep link listener. More...
void setLastLevelPlayed (@NonNull final String lastLevelPlayed)
 Set the last level played by the user to be added as a custom field in the Zendesk request. More...
void setPlayerSpend (final float playerSpend)
 Set the Player Spend (LTV) to be added as a custom field in Zendesk requests. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void setSuppressPlacement (boolean suppressPlacements)
 If it would be inappropriate for a placement ad to appear over the game in the moment, call this method with the boolean parameter: true. More...
static bfgGameReporting sharedInstance ()
 Get a non-null singleton instance (thread-safe, optimized for frequent use)

Static Public Attributes

static final int BFG_PURCHASE_BUTTON_BUY = 0
 "Buy" button
static final int BFG_PURCHASE_BUTTON_CLOSE = 3
 "Close button"
static final int BFG_PURCHASE_BUTTON_LATER = 2
 "Later" button
static final int BFG_PURCHASE_BUTTON_RESTORE = 1
 "Restore" button

Detailed Description

Required game logging APIs to report all game events.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getCustomData()

Map< Long, String > com.bigfishgames.bfglib.bfgreporting.bfgGameReporting.getCustomData ()
Get custom data (provided using setCustomData)
Last custom data set; NULL if never set

◆ getLastLevelPlayed()

String com.bigfishgames.bfglib.bfgreporting.bfgGameReporting.getLastLevelPlayed ()
Fetch the last level played by the user.
Last level played by the user, null if unavailable

◆ getPlayerSpend()

Float com.bigfishgames.bfglib.bfgreporting.bfgGameReporting.getPlayerSpend ()
Fetch the player spent value.
Player spend value, null if unavailable

◆ logCustomEvent() [1/2]

boolean com.bigfishgames.bfglib.bfgreporting.bfgGameReporting.logCustomEvent (@NonNull final String name,
@NonNull final Hashtable< String, Object > data 
Log a custom event to Big Fish Mobile Telemetry Services. When the Big Fish Mobile Telemetry Services backend rejects a custom event, a bfgReporting.BFG_REPORTING_EVENT_FAILED_NOTIFICATION notification is raised. For example, in an instance when a custom event exceeds the maximum size.
nameEvent name that cannot be null. Pass in "" (empty string) as a string if necessary.
dataHashtable of extra data to be sent as JSON.
whether sending of the event was successful

◆ logCustomEvent() [2/2]

boolean com.bigfishgames.bfglib.bfgreporting.bfgGameReporting.logCustomEvent (@NonNull final String name,
@Nullable final Integer value,
@Nullable final Integer level,
@NonNull final String details1,
@Nullable final String details2,
@Nullable final String details3,
@NonNull final Hashtable< String, Object > data 
Log a custom event to Big Fish Mobile Telemetry Services. Based on a prior telemetry service that is now deprecated. Although event name is no longer required by the Mobile Telemetry Services, this method has not changed, so it's still required that a value be passed to it. The event will not be sent if the event name is null. Other null fields will not be sent.
nameEvent name that cannot be null. Pass in "" (empty string) as a string if necessary.
valueAn optional arbitrary value you assign to associate with the event.
levelOptional integer value between 0 and 255 associated with the current game level.
details1String data. Cannot be null.
details2Optional String data. Required if using details3.
details3Optional String data.
dataHashtable of extra data to be sent as JSON.
whether sending of the event was successful
Deprecated:\n You should use {@link bfgGameReporting#logCustomEvent(String, Hashtable)} instead

◆ logCustomPlacement()

void com.bigfishgames.bfglib.bfgreporting.bfgGameReporting.logCustomPlacement (@NonNull final String placementName)
logCustomPlacement Game should call this to log a custom placement.

◆ logLevelFinished()

void com.bigfishgames.bfglib.bfgreporting.bfgGameReporting.logLevelFinished (@Nullable final String levelID)
Game should call this each time a level is finished.
levelIDIdentifier of the level that was finished.

◆ logLevelStart()

void com.bigfishgames.bfglib.bfgreporting.bfgGameReporting.logLevelStart (@Nullable final String levelID)
Game should call this each time a level has started.
levelIDIdentifier of the level that was started.

◆ logRewardedVideoSeenWithProvider() [1/2]

void com.bigfishgames.bfglib.bfgreporting.bfgGameReporting.logRewardedVideoSeenWithProvider (@NonNull final String videoProvider)
Log rewarded video event, facilitates logging rewarded video when video location parameter is not applicable.
videoProvider- provider from which video was supplied

◆ logRewardedVideoSeenWithProvider() [2/2]

void com.bigfishgames.bfglib.bfgreporting.bfgGameReporting.logRewardedVideoSeenWithProvider (@NonNull final String videoProvider,
@Nullable final String videoLocation 
Log rewarded video event. Calling this method will send an event to Big Fish servers that reports that a rewarded video was watched. At a minimum you must provide the videoProvider parameter, otherwise the event will not send. You can also optionally pass along the videoLocation where this rewarded video was viewed.
videoProvider- provider from which video was displayed (e.g. vungle)
videoLocation- location where video was viewed (e.g. main_menu)

◆ setCustomData()

void com.bigfishgames.bfglib.bfgreporting.bfgGameReporting.setCustomData (@Nullable final Map< Long, String > customData)
Add custom data fields to the next Zendesk request. Each field is defined using a Zendesk-specific ID number and a string value. The string values should be consistently formatted for display, depending on data type, as follows:
  • Text: Text strings can be formatted as the developer thinks appropriate or as otherwise specified.
  • Numeric: Integer value. Commas and other separators are not allowed.
  • Decimal: Floating point value, formatted in IEEE 754 string format (e.g. Double.toString(someDoubleValue) or Float.toString(someFloatValue)).
  • Boolean: "true" or "false".
  • Date: ISO 8601 date format string, must be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD (2018-12-06). Including the time is not supported.
  • DropDown: String that matches the tag for the corresponding value. For example, BFC/JMS would use sdk_vip_#, such as "sdk_vip_11" for VIP 11.
customDataCollection of ID/Value pairs to provide to Zendesk as extra, game-specific data. The IDs are defined in Zendesk specifically by each game that requires them. They uniquely identify the corresponding value. For example, an ID/Value pair of 1234567890L and "123.45" could be used to specify the total recent purchase amount as $123.45, given a corresponding custom field with an ID of 1234567890L.

◆ setDeepLinkListener()

void com.bigfishgames.bfglib.bfgreporting.bfgGameReporting.setDeepLinkListener (bfgDeepLinkListener deepLinkListener)
Setter method for deep link listener.
deepLinkListenerDeep link listener instance

◆ setLastLevelPlayed()

void com.bigfishgames.bfglib.bfgreporting.bfgGameReporting.setLastLevelPlayed (@NonNull final String lastLevelPlayed)
Set the last level played by the user to be added as a custom field in the Zendesk request.
lastLevelPlayedLast level the user played before hitting support

◆ setPlayerSpend()

void com.bigfishgames.bfglib.bfgreporting.bfgGameReporting.setPlayerSpend (final float playerSpend)
Set the Player Spend (LTV) to be added as a custom field in Zendesk requests.
playerSpendPlayer spend value to be added to the Zendesk requests

◆ setSuppressPlacement()

static void com.bigfishgames.bfglib.bfgreporting.bfgGameReporting.setSuppressPlacement (boolean suppressPlacements)
If it would be inappropriate for a placement ad to appear over the game in the moment, call this method with the boolean parameter: true. As soon as it is okay to show placements again, be sure to set it back to false.
suppressPlacements- Whether or not placement should be suppressed.